Senate Rejects Full Faith and Credit

The U. S. Constitution states that "Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State." (Article IV, Section I, <a href="">full text here</a>) This is one reason that your vehicle license plate and drivers license is accepted in all 50 states, no matter which state it was issued. However, a license to carry a concealed firearm is not treated the same way.

You can change the course of history

Being a relatively new supporter of the civil right of self-defense sometimes affords an outsider's perspective. One disheartening realization was that certain gun owners purportedly support our rights, but their actions do not.

Podcast from AAR

Armed American Radio has a <a class="zem_slink" href="" title="Website" rel="wikipedia">web site</a> that we encourage you to visit. I have put a link at the bottom of this posting. Here is how they describe themselves:

FFL Newsletters section

We have added a section with all the FFL Newsletters from the BATFE.

Click <a href="/node/11">here</a> for more information.

Testifying in Concord

New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee January 29, 2009 HB160 "Extending the castle doctrine"

Penny speaks at UNH

While addressing a Q&A session at UNH, Penny is asked a question about getting stopped by the police for no apparent reason.

Penny in the News

Check out <a class="zem_slink" href="" title="Google News" rel="wikipedia">Google News</a> articles for some of the times that Penny has been in the news.


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