Pro-gun rights

Gun Owners Of America Applauds President Trump for Signing Second Amendment Executive Order

Gun Owners of America - Fri, 02/07/2025 - 17:32

Gun Owners Of America Applauds President Trump for Signing Second Amendment Executive Order 


February 7, 2025 

Washington, D.C. — Gun Owners of America (GOA) applauds President Trump for taking bold action to fulfill one of his key campaign promises. In signing an Executive Order today, President Trump laid out a plan for dismantling what he previously referred to as “all of the Biden [gun control] disasters.”  

This historic move sets the stage for a broader restoration of Second Amendment rights. GOA is thrilled to see President Trump delivering on the promises he made to gun owners across America, starting with this executive order initiating a whole-of-government approach to restoring gun rights. 

At the 2024 Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit (GOALS) in August, President Trump vowed to “always listen to Gun Owners of America.” His actions today show he intends to honor that pledge. GOA stands ready to work alongside this administration to protect and expand the rights of law-abiding gun owners nationwide. 

Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs, issued the following statement: 

“Gun owners fought hard to elect a president who would take a sledgehammer to Biden’s unconstitutional gun control policies, and today, President Trump proved he’s serious about that fight. We hope that this executive order is just the first of many victories reestablishing our Second Amendment rights during the Trump administration. GOA will not rest until every illegal gun grab from the Biden administration is fully repealed and the Second Amendment is fully restored.” 

Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of GOA, added: 

“By planning to dismantle Biden’s anti-gun agenda and rein in the ATF, President Trump is making good on his word to protect and defend the Second Amendment. The ATF has been weaponized for too long against law-abiding Americans, and it’s past time to rein in this rogue agency. GOA looks forward to working with this administration to restore and expand gun rights across the country.” 

GOA spokesmen are available for interviews. GOA is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. It represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center


Categories: Pro-gun rights

RI: Governor McKee floats “assault weapons” ban in FY 2026 budget proposal

Gun Owners of America - Fri, 02/07/2025 - 16:41

Since January, GOA has been tracking a mix of gun bills in the Rhode Island Assembly. While updates on these bills will be coming to you soon enough, something that stood out to us was Governor McKee’s FY 2026 budget proposal that was submitted to the General Assembly.

The budget included a so-called “assault weapons” ban to prohibit the future possession, purchase, sale, control, and manufacture of commonly owned firearms

To quote Governor Mckee directly [1:02:30]:

Year after year I’ve stood here and asked the General Assembly to send an assault weapons ban to my desk. This year I’m sending you a budget, to the General Assembly, for the first time, will include a ban on assault weapons. Let’s finally get this done.

The effort is unlike previous attempts in the sense that the Governor is willing to sidestep the legislative process in favor of strongarming his proposal, as a few key Assembly Members have stood in the way of passing previous gun bans.

Take Maryland, California, or New York, for example.

Every single one of these states has implemented an “assault weapons” ban, yet none of them have seen a decrease in violence. These bans simply don’t work. Instead, what they accomplish is stripping normal, law-abiding gun owners of their rights and ability to defend themselves, while failing to stop violent criminals who defy such bans anyway.

Governor McKee’s proposal directly infringes on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens and completely defies the Heller, McDonald, and Bruen decisions from the Supreme Court.

So now is the time to send a message to the Assembly and the Governor that your constitutional rights matter!

Tell your State Legislator and Governor Mckee NO to an “assault weapons” ban. Reach out to your legislators immediately in the form above and urge them to take action against this proposal.

Categories: Pro-gun rights

ATF Utilizes Facial Recognition Software to Identify Gun Owners

Gun Owners of America - Fri, 02/07/2025 - 12:43

Several reports now indicate that ATF has access to and utilizes facial recognition technology (FRT) to identify gun owners. In fact, two Government Accountability Office reports confirm that ATF does have access to various facial recognition systems including Clearview AI, Vigilant Solutions, and other systems owned by other federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial law enforcement agencies.[1] GAO described the Clearview AI database as:

“[A] web-based facial recognition service using 30+ billion facial images sourced from publicly-available websites, including news media, mugshot, and social media websites, among others.”[2]

A 2021 GAO report found that ATF did not have sufficient accountability mechanisms “to track what non-federal systems with facial recognition technology are used by employees.”[3] According to testimony given to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, ATF “initially used these services without requiring their staff to take training on topics such as how the technology works, what photos are appropriate to use, and how to interpret the results.”[4]

GAO scolded federal agencies, stating that they “must consider the potential impact of its use on civil rights and civil liberties[, b]ecause the potential for error and the potential to misidentify someone could lead to the arrest and prosecution of an innocent person.”[5] GAO was also concerned that government use of FRT can have “a chilling effect on an individual’s exercise of their First Amendment rights.”[6] Similarly, ATF’s use of Facial Recognition Technology could have a chilling effect on the People’s exercise of their Second Amendment rights. Ultimately, GAO recommended that:

“The Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives should, after implementing a mechanism to track non-federal systems, assess the risks of using such systems, including privacy and accuracy-related risks.”

According to GAO, ATF is reported to have conducted at least 549 facial recognition searches on gun owners between October 2019 and March 2022.[7] GAO indicates “as of April 2023, ATF… reported that they had halted their use of such services.”[8] However, the most recent reports suggest otherwise. Senator Ron Johnson discovered that:

“[P]hotos… were sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for facial recognition… The ATF was apparently requesting the photos… for facial recognition purposes. It is unclear… why ATF would be the agency responsible for conducting facial recognition”[9]

Indeed, it is unclear why ATF, the agency tasked with enforcing federal alcohol, tobacco, and firearms laws, should have access to a facial recognition system in the first place.

New Jersey Police Used Clearview AI to Identify Gun Owners

In New Jersey (a state with a firearm purchaser database, handgun registration, and universal registration checks) the government utilized Clearview AI to identify whether suspects owned guns. In an interview, Attorney General Grewal said that “the Clearview app was used to get the name of the individual… We wanted to find out: does this person have firearms?”[10] Ultimately, the Attorney General ordered all New Jersey police to cease using the software for arrests and prosecutions because it was racist and inaccurate.[11]

ATF Could Use Facial Recognition Software in Conjunction with National Gun Registry

In recent years, ATF has admitted to Congress that it possesses nearly one billion gun and gun owner records. A 2022 report by Gun Owners of America details that this registry is both digital and searchable.[12] By ATF’s own admission this registry is “not searchable by name” because “ATF is the only agency that pays Adobe” to disable search functionality of ATF’s PDF gun registry. However, ATF could simply re-enable the functionality to search its digital registry by name.

Indeed, Senate appropriators are already advocating for “Law Enforcement Advanced Analytics” funding “to implement software using advanced analytics to correlate open source, commercial, and native agency data.” Apparently, ATF is “increasingly rely[ing] on the analysis of huge volumes of information, including open-source information” in the course of its enforcement of gun control on the American people.[13]

It seems as if ATF is preparing to use Clearview AI in conjunction with its illegal gun registry to identify gun owners and what firearms they own—just like the New Jersey police have already done. 

[1] U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2021). Facial Recognition Technology: Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Should Better Assess Privacy and Other Risks (Report No. GAO-21-518) [PDF file]. , 11.

[2] U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2023). Facial Recognition Services: Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Should Take Actions to Implement Training, and Policies for Civil Liberties (Report No. GAO-23-105607) [PDF file]. , 11.

NOTE: Clearview AI’s website now presently advertises over 50 billion facial images.

[3] U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2021). Facial Recognition Technology: Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Should Better Assess Privacy and Other Risks (Report No. GAO-21-518) [PDF file]. , 26.

[4] USCCR. (2024, March 8). Civil Rights Implications of the Federal Use of Facial Recognition Technology [Video]. YouTube. , 32:53.

[5] USCCR. (2024, March 8). Civil Rights Implications of the Federal Use of Facial Recognition Technology [Video]. YouTube. , 30:19.

[6] USCCR. (2024, March 8). Civil Rights Implications of the Federal Use of Facial Recognition Technology [Video]. YouTube. , 30:46.

[7] U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2023). Facial Recognition Services: Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Should Take Actions to Implement Training, and Policies for Civil Liberties (Report No. GAO-23-105607) [PDF file]. , 16.

[8] U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2023). Facial Recognition Services: Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Should Take Actions to Implement Training, and Policies for Civil Liberties (Report No. GAO-23-105607) [PDF file]. , 17.

[9] Senator Ron Johnson. (2024, July 21). Sen. Johnson Releases Preliminary Findings on Review of July 13, 2024 Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump [Press release]. , 3-4.

[10] CNN Business. (2020, February 10). Is this facial recognition app going too far? We tested it  [Video]. YouTube. , 1:53.

[11] Difilippo, D. (2022, February 25). A.G. Mulls Statewide Policy on Facial Recognition Technology. New Jersey Monitor.

[12] Johnston. ATF’s Illegal Gun Owner Registry. 2022.

[13] S. Rept. 118-198 to accompany S. 4795.

Categories: Pro-gun rights

MN: Constitutional Carry Bill in the Senate!

Gun Owners of America - Thu, 02/06/2025 - 21:02

Pro-gun State Legislators have introduced SF 352, a bill that would provide Constitutional Carry to the great people of Minnesota.

Under SF 352, a person will be able to carry a concealed firearm in most places in the state, without having to beg the government for a permit. The bill removes the need for a license and makes it optional.

SF 352 also lifts restrictions on where someone may carry a firearm including in a motor vehicle, snowmobile, or boat. Constitutional Carry is especially important at a time when crime is at a record high in many anti-gun cities, with citizens needing to defend themselves much more often.

Twenty-nine other states currently recognize that Americans have the right to carry a gun for self-defense without first getting the government’s permission to exercise their constitutional rights. These states, not coincidentally, are among the safest in the country.

It’s well past time that Minnesota joined these states and repeal the unreasonable and unconstitutional limits on its citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

We would also like to acknowledge the great senators who are sponsoring this bill: Dr. Bill Lieske, Nathan Wesenberg, Calvin K. Bahr, Steve Green, and Steve J. Drazkowski. These legislators are strong advocates for your second amendment rights and we look forward to working with them to fight for you.

Categories: Pro-gun rights

ATF Is Using Facial Recognition AI To ID Gun Owners

Gun Owners of America - Thu, 02/06/2025 - 14:20

Several reports now indicate that ATF has access to and utilizes facial recognition technology to identify gun owners. In fact, two Government Accountability Office reports confirm that ATF does have access to various facial recognition systems including Clearview AI, Vigilant Solutions, and other systems owned by other federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial law enforcement agencies.

The Government Accountability Office described the Clearview AI database as:

“A web-based facial recognition service using 30+ billion facial images sourced from publicly available websites, including news media, mugshot, and social media websites, among others.”

A 2021 GAO report found that ATF did not have sufficient accountability mechanisms “to track what non-federal systems with facial recognition technology are used by employees.”

According to testimony given to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, ATF:

“Initially used these services without requiring their staff to take training on topics such as how the technology works, what photos are appropriate to use, and how to interpret the results.”

GAO scolded federal agencies, stating that they “must consider the potential impact of its use on civil rights and civil liberties because the potential for error and the potential to misidentify someone could lead to the arrest and prosecution of an innocent person.”

GAO was also concerned that government use of facial recognition technology can have “a chilling effect on an individual’s exercise of their First Amendment rights.”

Similarly, ATF’s use of Facial Recognition Technology could have a chilling effect on the People’s exercise of their Second Amendment rights.

According to GAO, ATF is reported to have conducted at least 549 facial recognition searches on gun owners between October 2019 and March 2022.

GAO indicates “as of April 2023, ATF… reported that they had halted their use of such services.”

However, the most recent reports suggest otherwise.

On July 21, 2024, Senator Ron Johnson released a report detailing the attempted assassination of President Trump in Butler, PA. In the report, it is revealed that:

“Photos… were sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for facial recognition… The ATF was apparently requesting the photos… for facial recognition purposes. It is unclear… why ATF would be the agency responsible for conducting facial recognition.”

We agree. It is unclear why ATF, the agency tasked with enforcing federal alcohol, tobacco, and firearms laws, should have access to a facial recognition system in the first place.

New Jersey Police Used Clearview AI to Identify Gun Owners

In New Jersey (a state with a firearm purchaser database, handgun registration, and universal registration checks) the government utilized Clearview AI to identify whether suspects owned guns prior to arrest.

 In an interview, Attorney General Grewal said that:

“The Clearview app was used to get the name of the individual… we wanted to find out, does this person have firearms?”

Ultimately, the Attorney General ordered all New Jersey police to cease using the software because it was “racist and inaccurate.”

ATF Could Use Facial Recognition Software in Conjunction with National Gun Registry

In recent years, ATF has admitted to Congress that it possesses nearly one billion gun and gun owner records. A 2022 report by Gun Owners of America details that this registry is both digital and searchable.

By ATF’s own admission this registry is “not searchable by name” because “ATF is the only agency that pays Adobe” to disable search functionality of ATF’s PDF gun registry.

However, ATF could simply re-enable the functionality to search its digital registry by name.

Additionally, Senate appropriators are already advocating for “Law Enforcement Advanced Analytics” funding “to implement software using advanced analytics to correlate open source, commercial, and native agency data.”

Translation: the gun control lobby wants to fund facial recognition technology for agencies like ATF, to monitor law-abiding citizens.

Apparently, ATF is “increasingly relying on the analysis of huge volumes of information, including open-source information” during its enforcement of gun control on the American people.

It seems as if ATF is preparing to use Clearview AI in conjunction with its illegal gun registry to identify gun owners and what firearms they own—just like the New Jersey police have already done.

And clearly, there are questions remaining as to the extent of ATF’s facial recognition technology usage.

With anti-gun politicians in Congress attempting to pass legislation that removes restrictions on ATF, like the AIM Act, the stage is set for ATF to have a registry of guns and gun owners, with their facial data as well.

Gun Owners of America will fight this overreach tooth and nail in both Congress and in the courts. ATF can never be allowed to maintain a registry of guns, or gun owners. As the saying goes, registration always precedes confiscation.

Categories: Pro-gun rights

Will The Next ATF Director Be Another Gun-Grabber?

Gun Owners of America - Thu, 02/06/2025 - 10:02

Unfortunately, it appears that gun owners were right to be concerned about the appointment of Attorney General Pam Bondi.

According to leaked information that is being reported by the New York Times and now also by pro-gun YouTubers like Jared (of Guns & Gadgets) and Braden Langley, Bondi is considering recommending a “non-ideological” person who is an “older, more seasoned LEO” to be the new head of the ATF.

Her shortlist allegedly includes several former and current top ATF officials!

To put it bluntly, that would be a DISASTER for the Second Amendment.

Biden’s head of the ATF Steven Dettelbach was an “older, non-ideological, more seasoned LEO” – and as millions of gun owners are painfully aware, he spent years leading an all-out assault on our 2A rights!

You know who else was a “seasoned LEO?” The anti-gun radical David Chipman – whose nomination to lead the Biden ATF was torpedoed thanks to GOA members like you. Also, during his first administration, President Trump chose anti-gun president of the Fraternal Order of Police Chuck Canterbury and GOA members had to spend months fighting to tank his nomination.

It would be a mistake for a “pro-gun” administration to appoint another “seasoned” bureaucrat who knows nothing about the Second Amendment.

That’s why we need YOUR help urging President Trump to ensure the appointment of a strict constitutionalist who both understands firearms and who won’t tolerate the ATF’s war on the Second Amendment.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter to President Trump urging him to notify Attorney General Pam Bondi that the Second Amendment community will not tolerate anything short of an ardent 2A-patriot as the next head of the ATF.

A lot of harm has been done in the name of “law and order” over the years.

Things such as registering gun owners in the name of fighting crime; attacking a group of loners in Waco, Texas; shutting down long-established gun stores for simple mistakes; abusing mentally handicapped people in gun “stings” in Milwaukee; victimizing pro-gun sheriffs with nonsensical new legal theories; murdering airport executives in Arkansas; and much, much more.

In fact, the ATF is defying judicial rulings against its unconstitutional gun control measures. Despite courts striking down their policies, the ATF has continued attempts to unlawfully enforce its pistol brace ban on multiple occasions—acting as if they are above the law!

Pam Bondi must understand that truly restoring “law and order” in the eyes of gun owners means fundamentally transforming the rogue ATF.

That means appointing an ATF director who will do ALL of the following:

  • Stand up to ATF’s rogue officials;
  • Help President Trump downsize the federal government (including ATF);
  • Unravel Biden’s weaponization of law enforcement (especially ATF);
  • Scale back the ATF’s infringements of constitutional rights; and
  • Return freedom to the hands of the people to whom it belongs.

Maintaining the corrupt, tyrannical status quo by appointing current or former top ATF officials is not the kind of “law and order” that the American people want or expect.

In fact, President Trump began his second administration by taking an ax to the Deep State that has enabled “seasoned” bureaucrats to run wild in Washington.

He needs to do the same to the ATF by appointing a fighter who will defend the Second Amendment from the lawless bureaucrats who’ve waged war on our God-given rights for far too long.

But to be sure it happens, GOA is asking every single one of our members to flood the White House with letters calling for an ATF Director who will FIGHT for the Second Amendment.

It’s vital that President Trump hear from YOU before it’s too late!

So please, add your name to our pre-written letter to President Trump urging him to notify Attorney General Pam Bondi that the Second Amendment community will not tolerate anything short of an ardent 2A-patriot as the next head of the ATF.

Categories: Pro-gun rights

MT: S.B. 127 Gutted & Tabled in Committee

Gun Owners of America - Thu, 02/06/2025 - 09:55

Montana Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans Betrays our Nation’s First Principles!

In a shocking display of wilful ignorance concerning our Nation’s First Principles, Senators Usher and Lamers vote for an amendment that gutted Senate Bill 127.

S.B. 127 would provide the citizenry with a grantor of a judicial proceeding and the right to appeal for appropriate relief from the courts. It affords individuals who use or threaten to use force in self-defense reimbursement of reasonable costs and expenses involved in their legal defense.

Simply put, the bill strengthens the legal protection for individuals who are compelled, through no fault of their own, into a position of having to exercise their God-given right to defend their life, liberty, property with arms from external coercion.

Additionally, this legislation provides a prudent check upon the power of government by giving prosecutors or other government officials, who might be driven by foreign ideological beliefs that do not comport with the nation’s First Principles, a necessary pause before they proceed with pursuing a course of action against a citizen that would result in vulgar a miscarriage of justice.

During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Laura Smith (D, D 79) proposed three amendments that effectively gutted the original intent of the legislation.

Chairman Usher (R, D20), along with Senators Smith, Olsen (D, D50), Lammers (R, D41), Neumann (D, D30), voted in favor of the amendment (SB0127.001.002), which would require a unanimous jury verdict in order to grant reimbursement for court costs that result from a self-defense incident. Given the fractured state of our society, getting a jury to come to a unanimous decision during a contentious self-defense trial is fanciful at best.

Meaning this amendment would render the legislation all but useless. Sen. Emrich (R, D11) and the bill sponsor Sen. Manzella (R, D44) pointed that out to the committee members before the vote.

Given that Senators Usher and Lamers broke ranks, the bill supporters were compelled to table S.B. 127.

It is important to point out that Sen. Usher is a GOA endorsee and a ranking member of the Montana Freedom Caucus. Hence, it is highly problematic that he would prioritize amendments that would facilitate the enabling of county prosecutors, i.e. public servants, to continue to abuse their power and pervert justice by maliciously prosecuting citizens for exercising their God-given right to defend life with arms.

From the recorded evidence in the committee hearing, one can only conclude that Senators Usher and Lamers are in favor of continuing to allow prosecutors to abuse the prerogatives their position over protecting the God-given liberties of citizens of Montana.

GOA is officially placing Sen. Usher’s NO COMPROMISE endorsement under review!

Watch the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing: Time 12:32:00 – 12:50:54


Categories: Pro-gun rights

CO: H.B. 1055 Committee Hearing

Gun Owners of America - Wed, 02/05/2025 - 17:37

Committee Hearing Date Correction

The House State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Committee Hearing on H.B. 25-1128 Income Tax Credit for Firearm Safety Device has currently been postponed to Thursday, Feb 20th, Time: Upon Adjournment. The is hearing room still listed as LSB A.

However, H.B. 25-1055: Repeal Firearm Dealer Requirements & State Permit will still be heard TOMORROW in the House Business Affairs & Labor Committee, Room HCR 0112, February 6th at 1:30 pm.

House Bill 25-1055, sponsored by Brooks (R, D45), seeks to repeal the requirement for a firearms dealer to obtain a state firearms dealer permit to engage in the business of dealing in firearms.

Given that GOA is the principal no compromise Second Amendment advocacy group, we do not support legislation that requires a government permission slip to exercise a God-given right, nor do we support the unconstitutional edicts within the 1968 Gun Control Act that established the Federal Firearms License (FFL) requirement for individuals and businesses involved in the firearms industry.

Hence, we support the repeal of this arbitrary and unconstitutional state level infringement that is clearly intended to increase the regulatory burden for those sellers that are facilitating the free exercise of our God-given right to preserve life with arms.

Categories: Pro-gun rights

MT: Initial Legislative Update!

Gun Owners of America - Wed, 02/05/2025 - 17:37
The 2025 Montana Legislative Session has Commenced!

YOU stalwart sentinels of liberty are once again called upon to man your posts and be ever watchful for the inevitable backlash that is sure to come in the wake of the nation’s rejection of the latest incarnation of socialism last November.

Your task is to ensure that you and your fellow patriots are engaged in the political fight at the State and Local levels.

In order to assist you in that crucial effort GOA has a State Legislation tracker that will provide you with information on what bills are pending within your State legislature. Each legislation will clearly indicate GOA’s stance, as well as contain a brief First Principles summary of each bill that will tell you the only vital details. These summaries can then be used as the body for your email to your State legislators.

The fast-paced nature of these legislative sessions necessitates that you will have to take the initiative and contact your elected representatives about the legislation that GOA is tracking in order to voice your support or opposition.

In order to assist you in the task of communicating with legislators, GOA has a Legislator Lookup function on the website. This search function will enable you to identify who your State level elected officials are. After inputting your home address, the system will generate a list of your elected officials. At this point you can select a legislator that you wish to communicate with and send them an email.

It is important to understand that there may not always be time for GOA staff to send out independent emails concerning each piece of legislation, so one must monitor the forthcoming GOA Western States social media as well as the legislation tracker for the most current information.

Despite the fact that the nation has voted to reject the socialist policies of the Uni-party, many state legislatures have chosen to double down on those despotic policies that have ensured that liberty and economic prosperity has been significantly reduced within These United States. Those of you residing in supposed “Red States” must be even more vigilant because since GOA began tracking state level legislation within the Western States, the number of infringements upon your cherished liberties has increased exponentially.

While some of these unprincipled edicts are flagrant violations, most are concealed behind the veil of law and order. Within the Western States, most of the opposition to liberty has come from supposed Republicans, who tell their constituents that they fight for their rights but in practice their votes put them closer to their socialist counterparts within the Democrat Party.

Hence the necessity for you to adhere to the notion that actions speak louder than words. Do not prima fascia trust anything your local politicians say, verify their assertions at every turn by first checking their Freedom Index score and reading the legislation that they are voting in favor of. If you are fortunate enough to have a legislator who is attempting to apply our Nation’s First Principles, afford them your support but apply the maximum trust but verify.

For too long in this nation we have failed to perform our due diligence, which has enabled unscrupulous politicians, pantywaist judges, and the legions of un-elected bureaucrats to run amuck.  Accordingly, it is past time that you stop worrying about what is occurring in Washington D.C. and turn your attention to the petty tyrants lurking in your backyard.

Given the fractured state of our crumbling polity, getting just one of these legislative initiatives out of committee or blocked will be a monumental undertaking. Hence, it will be your task to inform these so-called “lawmakers,” who do not seem to understand that we have life as a gift from our Creator, that our rights are not only self-evidently true, but also, they are endowments to all humanity, equally.

Here some of the most pressing legislation at play in your Local Swamp!

Please use the link below to the Montana Legislative Services website to contact the committee members to let your voice be heard!

Public Participation

LC 2524: Preserve right to keep and bear arms via a presumption of innocence.

Current Status: Sent to the Senate Committee on Executive Review, no date and time yet.

L.C. 2524, sponsored by Rep. Nikolakakos (R, D22) proposes limits the courts ability to the impose prohibitions on the of the right to keep and bear arms for individuals charged with certain non-violent crimes.

The legislation, in its current form, requires some amendments for GOA to fully support the measure. If those amendments are made and the bill language is not negatively altered, L.C. 2524 will serve to reaffirm our due process right, which stipulate that, prior to a criminal conviction, citizens cannot be stripped of their God-given rights to preserve life with arms because that liberty is enumerated within the Montana Constitution and the Second Amendment to the Federal Compact.

L.C. 894: Creating sheriffs’ first initiative for cooperation and communication.

Current Status: Sent to the Senate Committee on Executive Review, no date and time yet.

LC 894, sponsored by Rep. Deming (R, D55), enhances the constitutional sheriff’s role as the chief law enforcement official within a county and is essential to the effort towards reasserting State sovereignty in the face of unprecedented Federal overreach.

Given that a county sheriff is authorized and funded by the State legislature, these local elected officials have exclusive authority to define the limits of the powers of the office of sheriff. While sheriffs are invested with the authority to enforce all constitutional laws and arrest those who break those laws, the primary role of the sheriff, as with all government, is to secure the “blessings of liberty” for the citizens residing within their county.

The troubling trend towards the federalization of law enforcement, contains obvious connotations regarding Federal overreach within the State domain of local law enforcement. Given this blatant violation of State sovereignty, it is high time for each State to assert their prerogative to nullify this vulgar abuse of federal power and to re-establish the local primacy of the sheriff’s office.

S.B. 176: Providing for non-discrimination related to firearms possession or activity.

Current Status: Sent to the Senate Committee on Executive Review, no date and time yet.

SB 176, sponsored Sen. Bogner (R, D19), creates a statutory scheme to ensure non-discrimination as related to firearms possession or associated activity.

Ultimately SB 176  is about protecting citizens who choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights from financial discrimination, as well as safeguarding the ability of the citizens of MT to purchase tools and accoutrements that enable them to exercise their God-given right to preserve life with arms.

H.B. 96: Create a trapper apprentice program.

Current Status: Passed House on 3rd Reading, currently heading to the Senate.

House Bill 96, sponsored by Rep. Fielder (R, D14), creates a trapping apprenticeship program that will enable youths to be mentored by seasoned and self-governing hunters.

GOA recognizes that in order to facilitate the next generation of trappers and hunters, incremental steps must be taken in order to restore the popular sentiment towards the proper exercising of that fundamental right. Moreover, the proper ends of just government are to safeguard the blessing of liberty for future generations. It is, therefore, prudent for legislature to promote trapping and hunting in this limited manner so that future generations of Montanans might also enjoy the natural bounty of God’s creation.

HB 329: Make the Montana ammunition act permanent.

Current Status: House Committee on Taxation, Room 152, on Feb 07, 2025, at 9:00 am.

House Bill 329, sponsored by Rep. Byrne (R, D11), provided tax breaks, liability protection, and access to existing economic development programs for any new business started to produce these critical commodities.  Because of negotiations in the Senate, a 10-year “sunset” was applied to this bill.  That sunset became effective on December 31, 2024, H.B. 329 would remove the sunset provision.

S.J. 7: Joint resolution to support shooting competition as a collegiate sport

Current Status: Passed Senate on 3rd Reading, House Education Committee, Room 152, on Feb 05, 2025, at 3:00 pm.

SJ 7 (LC 653), sponsored by Sen. Fuller (R, D4), seeks to express the support of the legislature for the Montana Board of Regents to adopt collegiate shooting sport programs that reflect Montana’s robust shooting sports traditions and hunting heritage.

Keep to date with all the legislation in your State by monitoring GOA’s Legislation Tracker

We must not fail to remember that the Second Amendment protects the liberties of all Americans. If your elected officials have forgotten that timeless truth, then let this legislative session be one where you force them to remember that they are public servants and there are political consequences for those failing to adhere to their oath to uphold and defend the blessing of liberty for future generations.

Categories: Pro-gun rights

GOA, GOF, and CNJFO Challenge New Jersey’s Unconstitutional Hollow Point Ammo Ban 

Gun Owners of America - Wed, 02/05/2025 - 11:29

GOA, GOF, and CNJFO Challenge New Jersey’s Unconstitutional Hollow Point Ammo Ban 


February 5, 2025 

Washington, D.C. — Gun Owners of America (GOA), Gun Owners Foundation (GOF), and the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners, alongside plaintiff Heidi Bergmann-Schoch, have filed a lawsuit challenging New Jersey’s unconstitutional ban on possessing hollow point ammunition for self-defense outside the home. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, argues that the state’s restrictions violate the Second and Fourteenth Amendments by preventing law-abiding citizens from possessing and carrying the most effective forms of self-defense ammunition. 

Despite being widely used by law enforcement and civilians across the country for personal protection, New Jersey’s draconian laws prohibit the possession of commonly used hollow point ammunition outside the home, leaving residents to carry substandard full metal jacket ammunition instead. The plaintiffs argue that there is no historical precedent for such a ban and cite Heller and Bruen as key Supreme Court decisions affirming their constitutional rights. 

Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of GOA, issued the following statement: 

“The government does not get to decide for Americans what kind of books they may read, what brands of firearms they may own, or what kind of ammunition they can use.  New Jersey’s unconstitutional ban on hollow points for self-defense outside the home is yet another example of anti-gun politicians disarming law-abiding citizens while criminals ignore the law. Self-defense is an enumerated right, and GOA will fight to ensure that New Jerseyans are no longer left vulnerable due to senseless restrictions.” 

Sam Paredes, on behalf of Gun Owners Foundation, issued the following statement: 

“This lawsuit is about holding New Jersey accountable for trampling on the Second Amendment. Hollow point ammunition is the gold standard for self-defense, and restricting it to usage only in the home does nothing to prevent crime—it only endangers law-abiding citizens. The state has no authority to pick and choose which tools Americans can use to protect themselves.” 

GOA spokesmen are available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center. 



Categories: Pro-gun rights

GOA Raises Concerns About Pam Bondi’s Track Record on Gun Rights

Gun Owners of America - Tue, 02/04/2025 - 19:55

GOA Raises Concerns About Pam Bondi’s Track Record on Gun Rights


February 4, 2025 

Washington, D.C. — Gun Owners of America (GOA) is sounding the alarm following the Senate confirmation of Pam Bondi as Attorney General, vowing to hold her accountable in defending Americans’ Second Amendment rights. 

While Bondi has supported some pro-gun measures, her tenure as Florida Attorney General also raises serious red flags. She endorsed the controversial Parkland gun control laws, which included “red flag” confiscation orders, a ban on firearm ownership for 18-20-year-olds, and a bump stock ban. Bondi also defended Florida’s ban on open carry and defended the 18-20 year old gun ban in court, which infringes on the rights of law-abiding gun owners. This is in stark contrast to other Florida state Attorneys General like Ashley Moody, who recently declined to defend Florida’s unconstitutional open carry ban after GOA filed a lawsuit. 

GOA remains committed to a “no-compromise” defense of the Second Amendment, urging gun owners to stay engaged and ready to hold leaders accountable. 

Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of GOA, stated: 

“Gun owners have seen firsthand how an anti-gun Attorney General can abuse their power to undermine the Constitution. Pam Bondi’s confirmation is a stark reminder that we must stay vigilant to ensure she defends, rather than dismantles, our God-given rights.” 

Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs, added: 

“Our team in Washington, D.C. stands ready to work with Ms. Bondi and the Trump Administration to restore the Second Amendment rights lost during the Biden Administration. However, the Second Amendment is non-negotiable, and we will hold Attorney General Bondi’s feet to the fire and fight any attempts to further erode Americans’ right to keep and bear arms.” 

GOA spokesmen are available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center


Categories: Pro-gun rights

WY: They Are Hearing YOUR Voice Loud and Clear In Cheyenne!

Gun Owners of America - Tue, 02/04/2025 - 18:04

Keep Second Amendment Protections Strong in Wyoming!

Thank you so much for taking action on our alerts. They are hearing you loud and clear in Cheyenne! 

In fact, were it not for the efforts of GOA and its members, we would be losing ground and would have forfeited the incredible victories that we recently achieved here in Wyoming.

So I have great news to report to you today. But first, let me explain where we’ve been, to better make sense of how we accomplished such a great feat today. 

In 2022, GOA fought to pass Wyoming Statute 9-14-203 which imposed a Criminal Penalty of imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, and a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), for state or local officials who infringe on your Second Amendment Rights.

While no law is perfect, many around the country regard this law as the nation’s strongest Criminal Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA) because it serves as a serious deterrent for officials who would infringe on your Rights!

Since the passage of the 2022 law, GOA has worked in Cheyenne every year to add a process allowing citizens to take civil action against a governmental entity that infringes on our Second Amendment Rights. This concept would allow citizens to hire an attorney and seek financial damages from Agencies and Departments.

Sadly, some groups and legislators have played political games with these facts and misrepresented these issues to the people of Wyoming for years!

Recently, 8 Wyoming Legislators proposed SF0196, and a House mirror bill HB0283, that would destroy the criminal penalty in Wyoming law for Wyoming officials who infringe on your Second Amendment Rights.

They falsely claimed this was “advancing Second Amendment Rights.”

Don’t take our word for it, download the identical bills, as introduced into the Legislature (HB0283 and SF0196), and look at the language on page 4 striking the Criminal Penalty that many call America’s best!


Legislators have heard the voice of GOA members, and during this morning’s Senate Agriculture Meeting, SF0196 was amended by the Committee to reinstate the criminal penalties!



GOA has worked for many years to establish civil processes allowing citizens to go to court against agencies and departments that infringe on your Second Amendment Rights!

We have held meetings with many members of the Wyoming Legislature, Representatives of the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, and with groups of Sheriffs from across Wyoming.

We have consistently searched for a law that can pass to protect the Second Amendment Rights of individuals while also allowing law enforcement officials to do their job of arresting actual criminals and protecting the public.

The fight is far from over. SF0196 was heavily amended in terms of how it impacts civil penalties, so our attorneys are now reviewing SF0196 to determine if the Civil Processes in the Bill will give Wyoming citizens the Second Amendment Protections we need.

Please click the TAKE ACTION HERE, or in the graphic at the top, and contact your elected Representative and Senator. Tell them you support keeping the Criminal Penalties and establishing a workable and Constitutionally-sound process allowing Citizens to sue Agencies and Departments when Rights are violated.

THE PROCESS IS RAPIDLY EVOLVING, so please stay tuned for more information soon regarding how you can help strengthen Second Amendment Protections in Wyoming.


P.S. Ask the Wyoming Legislature to keep Criminal Penalties and to establish a Constitutionally-sound process allowing Citizens to Civilly sue Agencies and Department when Rights are violated!

Categories: Pro-gun rights

WY: Wyoming Firearms Privacy on the Line!

Gun Owners of America - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 17:04

Firearms Privacy On the Line in Wyoming!

The GOA-backed Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act (HB0234) passed the House Judiciary Committee on Friday, January 31 with supportive testimony from GOA and Television coverage by Cheyenne’s CBS Affiliate (click here for the TV Interview).

The bill prohibits the assignment of firearms-specific Merchant Category Codes (MCC) to any merchant located in Wyoming that is a seller of firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition. It makes it illegal to distinguish these merchants from a general merchandise retailer or sporting goods retailer.

MCCs were developed by anti-Second Amendment forces in cooperation with Amalgamated Bank, a bank that the New York Post linked to the Democratic National Committee and several anti-Second Amendment politicians.

Amalgamated Bank convinced the Swiss-based International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to create the firearms code for use by credit card processors operating in the United States.

A firearms MCC would identify “who” is selling firearms and could be used to revoke credit, take other retaliatory acts against firearms sellers, and most importantly, MCCs are a first step to creating a National Firearms Registry.

While forbidden by federal law, the Biden Administration famously defied the law and kept a Registry, so we must act at the State level to ensure future Federal Administrations cannot advance this concept.

HB0234 changes language in Wyoming statute and requires the Attorney General (AG) to take action (past law made it discretionary for the AG), and the bill gives citizens an opportunity to take civil action against entities that establish MCCs if the AG doesn’t act.

HB0234 now goes to the full House for consideration, so please click the TAKE ACTION HERE, or in the graphic at the top, and contact your elected Representative and Senator and tell them to support HB0234.

GOA will be working to ensure HB0234 passes the Legislature without weakening Amendments in order to ensure our Firearms Privacy is protected.

Please stay tuned for more information soon regarding how you can help strengthen Second Amendment Protections in Wyoming.


P.S. Ask the Wyoming Legislature to Support the GOA-backed HB0234!

Categories: Pro-gun rights

Empowered 2A Celebrates National Women’s Range Day 2025 

Gun Owners of America - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 15:51

Empowered 2A Celebrates National Women’s Range Day 2025 


February 3, 2025 

Washington, D.C. — Today, Empowered 2A, the official women’s outreach project of Gun Owners of America, proudly announces the 2nd Annual National Women’s Range Day, a landmark event dedicated to female empowerment and Second Amendment advocacy. This celebration of women’s self-defense rights and firearm education will take place on March 8, 2025, at Staccato Vegas Range in Pahrump, Nevada, with an exclusive VIP dinner reception on March 7 at the Silverton Hotel. 

Building on the overwhelming success of last year’s inaugural event—where over 300 women gathered to train and connect—this year’s range day will be even bigger and bolder, reaffirming our commitment to the principle that gun rights are women’s rights. 

Empowered 2A remains dedicated to working with women across the country to ensure they have the knowledge, confidence, and skills to exercise their Second Amendment rights safely and effectively. 

Katie Gardner, Empowered 2A Coordinator, praised the upcoming event: 

“National Women’s Range Day isn’t just about shooting—it’s about empowerment, education, and community. Women are the fastest-growing demographic of new gun owners, and this event provides a welcoming space to train, connect, and stand up for our rights. We’re bringing together some of the most passionate advocates in the country to ensure women are equipped to defend themselves and their families.” 

Antonia Okafor, Director of Women’s Outreach for GOA, added: 

“For too long, women have been told that self-defense isn’t for them. That ends here. National Women’s Range Day is about changing the narrative, building confidence, and making sure every woman has access to the training she needs. Whether you’re a first-time shooter or a seasoned firearms enthusiast, this event is for you.” 

GOA spokesmen are available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center


Categories: Pro-gun rights

FPC Moves to End California Carry Ban for Non-Residents

Firearms Policy Coalition - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 15:47

SAN DIEGO (February 3, 2025) – Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced the filing of a motion for summary judgment and permanent injunction in its lawsuit, Hoffman v. Bonta, challenging California’s ban on firearm carry by non-residents. The motion and other case filings can be viewed at

Categories: Pro-gun rights

CO: Legislative Update!

Gun Owners of America - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 14:25

Anti-gun legislators in Colorado are advancing more bills designed to strip you of your fundamental right to keep and bear arms.

It is important to remember that the massive onslaught of gun control in Colorado has done NOTHING to keep law-abiding citizens safe but only emboldens criminals who ignore the law.

Please consider testifying on these bills at the link below!

Public Participation

Legislation to Oppose!

  • HB 25-1133: Restrictions on the Sale of Firearms Ammunition
    • Current Status: House Business Affairs & Labor, Room HCR 0112, February 3rd at 1:30 pm
      • House Bill 25-1133, sponsored by Rep. Duran (D, D23), Rep. Gilchrist (D, D8), and Sen. Mullica (D, D24), would prohibit the sale of ammunition to a person who is younger than 21 years of age at retail stores, and creates shipping issues regarding the transfer of ammunition to a person under 21. H.B. 25-1133 defines ammunition as a “cartridge, case, primer, bullet, or propellant powder.”
    • Given that there are multiple cases already advancing within the circuit courts to overturn the federal prohibition on the ability of those under 21 years of age to purchase and carry arms {18 U.S.C. §§ 992(b)(1),(c) (1)}, this legislation will only end up being challenged in court and found to be unconstitutional. In the recent 5th Circuit holding, Reese v. ATF, the court  found such laws to be clear infringements and struck down Louisiana’s prohibitions. It is blatantly evident that the Marxists who control the Colorado legislature think that costly court battles are a prudent use of your exorbitant tax dollars.
  • HB 25-1148: Removing Due Process to Threaten Gun Owners’ Rights
    • Current Status: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee, no movement yet.
      • House Bill 25-1148, sponsored by Sen. Gonzales (D, D34), Rep. Bacon (D, D7), and Carter (D, D36), is an extension of the fundamentally unjust ex parte trials, which clearly make a mockery of our due process rights. To add further Colorado’s lust for infringements, H.B. 25-1148 bans a person subject to the criminal protection order from possessing arms, as well as being in possession of “alcohol or controlled substances without a valid prescription.”
    • H.B. 25-1148 removes a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms upon issuance of a criminal protection. It is important to remember that such orders are based upon ex parte proceedings by an “alleged victim or witness.” Meaning that the defendant has not had their due process right properly applied before the revocation of their second amendment rights, and the alleged abuses have not been adjudicated through a jury trial.
  • SB 25-034: Voluntary Do-Not-Sell Firearms Waiver
    • Current Status: Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee, Room SCR 352, February 6th, Upon Adjournment.
      • Senate Bill 25-034 sponsored by Sen. Kipp (D, D53) and Rep. Boesenecker (D, D14), establishes the authority for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to create a process for a person to voluntarily waive their right to purchase a firearm. The process will be completed via an on-line portal where a person can conveniently place themselves on a arms prohibition list. Once a name is uploaded, the CBI will, in an unspecified process, verify the person’s identity before accepting a voluntary revocation. The individual who voluntarily waives their right to keep and bear arms “may” also “designate one or more contact persons who will be contacted if the person attempts to purchase an arm.” Once the person has completed the form, within 24 hours of it being filled, the CBI will upload the personal information into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). If an individual desires to remove their name from the probation list the order remains in effect for 30 days. Those who are on the revocation list and elect to buy a firearm after the prohibition will be charged with a “civil infraction” and fined $25.00.
    • The primary danger with such edicts is that citizens who do not wish to have their rights stripped from them will inevitably find their names on this list. S.B. 25-034 does not specify how the CBI will ensure the identity of the individual who desires to be a prohibited person. In light of the 24-hour reporting to NICS, it seems that the CBI will have quite the task to ensure they have the correct individual placed into the system. Considering that roughly 95% of NICS denials are “false positives,” meaning the person is not proscribed they just have a similar name to someone who might be prohibited, this will most assuredly add to the increasing number of false positives.
  • SB 25-059: Accepts Federal Funding for Gun Control
    • Current Status: Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee, Room SCR 352, February 2nd at 2:00 pm.
      • Senate Bill 25-059, sponsored by Sen. Tom Sullivan (D, D27) and Rep. Steven Woodrow (D, D2) directs Colorado agencies to “apply for and accept and expend federal or other available grant money.”
    • The funding for these grants would primarily come from the funds from the Safer Communities Act, which provides grants for a whole host of programs like advancing extreme risk protection orders, enhanced background checks for those under 21 years of age, or increasing the age to purchase arms at the state level. GOA opposes these programs because they are primarily employed by Leftist controlled States to strip God-given rights from its citizenry.
Despite the continual push for infringements here are a few pieces of legation to support!

Legislation to Support!

  • HB 25-1055: Repeal Firearm Dealer Requirements & State Permit
    • Current Status: House Business Affairs & Labor Committee, Room HCR 0112, February 6th at 1:30 pm.
      • House Bill 25-1055, sponsored by Brooks (R, D45), seeks to repeal the requirement for a firearms dealer to obtain a state firearms dealer permit to engage in the business of dealing in firearms.
    • Given that GOA is the principal no compromise Second Amendment advocacy group, we do not support legislation that requires a government permission slip to exercise a God-given right, nor do we support the unconstitutional edicts within the 1968 Gun Control Act that established the Federal Firearms License (FFL) requirement for individuals and businesses involved in the firearms industry. Hence, we support the repeal of this arbitrary and unconstitutional state level infringement that is clearly intended to increase the regulatory burden for those sellers that are facilitating those desiring to exercise their God-given right to preserve life with arms.
  • HB 25-1067: Criminal Asset Forfeiture Act
    • Current Status: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee, no movement yet.
      • Asset forfeiture is a constitutionally questionable governmental takings that allows law enforcement to seize property from people suspected of criminal activity. It is also vital to know that the takings do not require a criminal conviction before property can be seized by the government. In the Institute for Justice’s Report, Policing for Profit, Colorado currently has C grade for its onerous civil forfeiture edicts.
    • House Bill 25-1067, sponsored by Rep. Degraaf (R, D22) and Sen. Baisley (R, D4), seeks to restore due process rights of property owners by creating detailed procedures for seizing, storing, and potentially returning property by requiring revenue from the sale of the forfeited property be distributed general fund, law enforcement grant programs, and behavioural health services. H.B. 25-1067 also provides detailed guidelines for seizing and forfeiting property related to drug crimes. It limits forfeiture to cases where a defendant is convicted of higher-level drug crimes and requires that forfeiture must be a part of the criminal trial. Additionally, there is a provision for judicial review to ensure the takings are not unwarranted, and there must be a criminal conviction before property is declared to forfeited by the State. Finally, the bill curtails the federal government’s involvement in asset forfeiture within the State by limiting the amount of seized property that can transferred to the Treasury Forfeiture Fund.

PLEASE use the form above to contact your Colorado Legislators and DEMAND they Defend Liberty.

Categories: Pro-gun rights

FL: Gov. DeSantis Demands Legislature Pass Open Carry!

Gun Owners of America - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 10:30

As RINO Republican lawmakers in Tallahassee continue thwarting our efforts to fix Florida’s permitless carry legislation to include Open Carry, Gov. Ron DeSantis has once again promised to sign the legislation into law IF lawmakers put it on his desk.

He even took to X (formerly known as Twitter) and publicly agreed with us over here at Gun Owners of America that the Florida legislature must pass open carry this session!

Florida’s First Lady Casey DeSantis also agrees!

So how do we make this happen in Florida?


Gun Owners of America are thankful for Gov. Ron DeSantis and Florida’s First Lady, Casey DeSantis, for supporting Open Carry and demanding that it be passed this session.

It has been a long hard fight, but Florida’s gun owners don’t give up.

I know you’re aware of the dog and pony shows that the Republican dominated state legislature plays with our gun rights.

Recall at the start of this legislative season, Republican Senate President Ben Albritton said that he was against Open Carry back in November 2024 because law enforcement is in opposition.

Well, GOA proved that to be false.

Just recently in January, I spoke with Florida’s best sheriff, Wayne Ivey of Brevard County, and asked him if he supports Open Carry.

Sheriff Ivey said he supports it and so do the majority of Florida’s sheriffs — absolutely wrecking the Senate President’s claims that law enforcement is against it.

In turn, the Governor agreed and called out the Republican Supermajority in the legislature and demanded that they pass Open Carry.

GOA has actually been at the forefront of this fight for years now.

In fact, we drafted an Open Carry bill and have been working with lawmakers in the House and Senate since December 2024 to get this bill introduced.

They have faced intense opposition from Republican leadership. We have been informed that the legislative leadership has been against it, as are some committee chairs.

The Republican legislative leadership have attempted to intimidate them from moving forward with this legislation — threatening to sideline them, kill their other bills, strip them of committee seats, and banish them to the basement.

But they have not buckled under pressure. Our bill has been submitted for drafting as we speak.

But that’s not all.

GOA’s grassroots army is fighting tooth and nail too. This past weekend, GOA members have been contacting their lawmakers from all across the state.

And just yesterday at 3am, Rep. Kim Kendall (R-St. Augustine) emailed one of our GOA members that she finds it appalling that Florida bans Open Carry and that she is aware our bill is in drafting.

That’s a thumb’s up if we’ve ever seen it. Looks like Florida’s Republicans are starting to come around.



As you’re calling our legislative leaders, I will be walking the halls of the Florida Capitol, pushing the issue with lawmakers.

Our national motto says it best: “E Pluribus Unum.”

Out of many, one.

Together, we will win this fight.

In Liberty,

Luis Valdes
Florida State Director
Gun Owners of America

Categories: Pro-gun rights

FPC WIN: Fifth Circuit Strikes Down Federal Age-Based Handgun Ban

Firearms Policy Coalition - Thu, 01/30/2025 - 13:44

NEW ORLEANS (January 30, 2025) – Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the federal government’s handgun ban for adults aged 18 to 20 years old is unconstitutional. The opinion in Reese v. ATF can be viewed at

Categories: Pro-gun rights

CO: Lawmakers Advance Semi-Auto Ban!

Gun Owners of America - Wed, 01/29/2025 - 16:41

I have some bad news.  

After a 9-hour committee hearing, anti-gun legislators in Colorado’s State, Veterans, & Military Affairs committee passed SB 25-003 on a 3-2 vote. 

Senate Bill 25-003 bans the manufacturing, distributing, transferring, selling, or purchasing of semi-automatic rifles and shotguns which use detachable magazines

It also bans gas-operated handguns with detachable magazines. 

In other words, SB 25-003 bans the most commonly owned and sold firearms in the United States of America.  

It is designed to be a full ban on semi-automatic firearms. 

Anti-gun Senators Matt Ball, Tom Sullivan, and Mike Weissman voted in favor of infringing on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Coloradans.  

State Senators Byron Pelton and Rod Pelton voted against the bill.  

Now this legislation is up for consideration in the full Colorado State Senate.  

Please use the form above and tell your Colorado State Senator to OPPOSE and vote AGAINST SB 25-003.  

This atrocious bill spits directly in the face of the Second Amendment, the Heller, McDonald, and Bruen decisions from the Supreme Court, and turns law-abiding citizens into criminals for wanting to purchase commonly owned firearms. 

But that’s not all. 

SB 25-003 also arbitrarily bans “rapid fire devices” – which means no modifications to triggers in your semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and pistols. 

Now this legislation is up for consideration in the Colorado State Senate. Please use the form above to DEMAND your Colorado State Senator OPPOSE and vote NO on SB 25-003. 

Your lawmakers need to hear from you that Colorado doesn’t need more gun control. They should repeal anti-gun legislation instead! 

The massive onslaught of gun control in Colorado has done NOTHING to keep law-abiding citizens safe but only emboldens criminals who ignore the law. 

So PLEASE use the form above to contact your Colorado State Senator and DEMAND her or she votes NO on SB 25-003.

Categories: Pro-gun rights

WY: Protect the Second Amendment in Wyoming!

Gun Owners of America - Wed, 01/29/2025 - 13:23
     Protect the Second Amendment in Wyoming!

In 2022, GOA fought hard to pass Wyoming Statute 9-14-203.

This law imposed a CRIMINAL PENALTY of imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, and a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), for state or local officials who infringe on your Second Amendment Rights.

Many around the Country regard this law as the Nation’s strongest CRIMINAL SECOND AMENDMENT PROTECTION ACT (SAPA).

In other words, the law serves as a deterrent for officials who would infringe on your Rights because those officials can be subject to CRIMINAL prosecution.

Since the passage of the 2022 law, GOA has worked in Cheyenne every year to add a process allowing a citizen to take CIVIL ACTION against a governmental entity that infringes on our Second Amendment Rights.

This concept would allow citizens to hire an attorney and seek financial damages from Agencies and Departments.


Just last week, 8 Wyoming Legislators proposed HB0283 (, and a Senate mirror bill SF0196 (brought by Senator Salazar), that would destroy the criminal penalty in Wyoming law for Wyoming officials who infringe on your Second Amendment Rights.

They falsely claimed this was “advancing Second Amendment Rights.”

Don’t take our word for it, download the identical bills (HB0283 and SF0196) and look at the language on page 4 striking the CRIMINAL PENALTY THAT MANY CALL AMERICA’S BEST!!

Legislators have finally heard GOA’s call, and in the last few days, HB0303 ( has been introduced.

Rumor has it that, due to an outcry from many GOA members and supporters, some of the 8 Legislators who tried to kill the CRIMINAL PENALTY (USING HB0283 AND SF0196) ARE NOW ASKING TO CO-SPONSOR THE GOOD BILL – HB0303.


The GOA-supported bill, HB0303, gives citizens the opportunity to go to court against Agencies or Departments who employ local or state officials who infringe on our Rights, AND IT DOES THIS WITHOUT REPEALING THE CRIMINAL SAPA PROVISIONS ESTABLISHED IN 2022!!


Please click the TAKE ACTION HERE, or in the graphic at the top, and contact your elected Representative and Senator. Tell them to support HB0303 and to vote against the dangerous bills HB0283 and SF0196.

We are at a critical point, and we need you to act to ensure we are able to protect our CRIMINAL SAPA PROVISIONS AND ADD CIVIL PROVISIONS TO THE WYOMING LAW!

GOA will be working to ensure THE CIVIL PROCESSES IN HB0303 pass the Legislature without weakening Amendments while we also protect the CRIMINAL PROVISIONS WE ESTABLISHED IN STATUTES IN 2022.

Please stay tuned for more information soon regarding how you can help strengthen Second Amendment Protections in Wyoming.


P.S. Ask the Wyoming Legislature to Support the GOA-backed HB0303 and to vote against HB0283 and SF0196!

Categories: Pro-gun rights


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