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Penny Dean and Your Rights
"The great object is that every man be armed." - Patrick Henry
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Firearms Policy Coalition
FPC Moves to End California Carry Ban for Non-Residents
FPC WIN: Fifth Circuit Strikes Down Federal Age-Based Handgun Ban
New FPC Lawsuit Challenges Federal Ban on Interstate Handgun Sales
FPC WIN: Third Circuit Again Strikes Down Pennsylvania Young Adult Carry Ban
FPC Responds to Biden Administration’s Latest Assaults on Peaceable Americans
About your gun rights
Gun Owners Of America Applauds President Trump for Signing Second Amendment Executive Order
RI: Governor McKee floats “assault weapons” ban in FY 2026 budget proposal
ATF Utilizes Facial Recognition Software to Identify Gun Owners
MN: Constitutional Carry Bill in the Senate!
ATF Is Using Facial Recognition AI To ID Gun Owners