Second amendment not revenge, but survival.

From the LA Gun Rights Examiner:

You may have heard of the gun owners who were ambushed by their hosting hotel during their NRA and Gala For Gun Rights convention in North Carolina.

Millions of gun owners out of 90 million gun owners already refuse to give their business to various companies in protest of their being against our second amendment rights. Not revenge, but survival. After all, the armed citizen is the law of the land: gun control opposes this; who is the aggressor here? Spiteful attitudes and erroneous notions can threaten freedom itself. The countermeasure is education.

One example that has put a gulf between gun owners and the non-gun owner electorate is the spiteful and misleading notion that gun owners settle disputes in anger. Anger has nothing to do with armed self-defense and practical adult preparedness. It is all about purposeful response. It isn't about depending on others to do what only you can do, it is about your independence in knowing that you bear a responsibility for doing what only you can do: It isn't about revenge, it is about survival.

Placing one's business elsewhere – and ideally on the order of 90 million adults – is also not revenge, but survival. It is not in anger. Any indignity of gun owners is taken care of by the official and very civil response of simple communication to rectify the problem. Discussion.
