Obama: People shouldn't be allowed to own guns

<img src="http://www.wnd.com/files/2012/07/120730obamachicagoz-340x170.jpg" align="right">A fellow professor with Barack Obama at the University of Chicago in the 1990s told radio host Laura Ingraham last week that the man who would become president once insisted, “People shouldn’t be allowed to own guns.”

That professor was John Lott, already known then as a leading gun-rights advocate and now author of several books, including “More Guns, Less Crime” and “Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked Theories Don’t.”

“I knew Obama at the University of Chicago,” Lott told Ingraham. “We both taught there at the same time for about four years, and I talked to him about guns. I know what his views are on that.

“The first time I ever met him, I went, introduced myself, he said, ‘Oh, you’re the gun guy,’” Lott recalled. “He said to me, ‘I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.’”

Ingraham stopped the interview to clarify that Obama wasn’t talking about criminals owning guns but everyday citizens.

Read the rest at http://www.wnd.com/2012/07/obama-people-shouldnt-be-allowed-to-own-guns/

(Thanks to WND http://www.wnd.com )

[Keep in mind, when you read this, how much you believe Dr. Lott, versus how much you believe Mr. Obama. -ed]


More proof of what those of us who live in the real world know. Obama's agenda is people control via gun control and economic stupidity.