NYPD Interrogated Boy, 7, for 10 Hours: $250M Claim

In this <a href="http://blogs.findlaw.com/injured/2013/01/nypd-interrogated-boy-7-for-10-... blog entry</a>, the issue is raised about a child who is handcuffed to a wall in the police station for hours, according to the claim.

The article continues, and discusses whether or not it was as many hours as the mother alleges, and whether or not the proper sequence was followed for her to file her claim against the police, who are, after all, government employees and "as a result they have some immunity from liability for actions they perform while on the job."

It was also mentioned in passing that the child consistently denied the allegations against him and that another classmate later admitted to the theft.

The story is reported here: http://blogs.findlaw.com/injured/2013/01/nypd-interrogated-boy-7-for-10-...

(Beyond the story itself, your editor wonders about the following: if there was, in fact, a crime committed against this child, what is going to be done about it other than showering millions of taxpayer dollars on the mother of this child? Will there be, perhaps, someone getting fired from his job as a cop? What about his supervisor, that is, the one whose job is to supervise the activities of this person?

It is easy to compare accounts such as this, to one's own job in the private sector. <i>If you or I did something like this</i>, it's pretty clear that someone would get fired, and probably arrested, and probably plastered across the front page of the so-called mainstream media as a child abuser. And God forbid if word leaked out that you were a gun owner.

Yet we have a situation here, from all accounts, that is exactly that. Where is the media with their ever-present cries of "if it saves one child?" or "what about the children?" They seem to be otherwise involved.

Fortunately for us in New Hampshire, this is the way they seem to do business in the Empire State. It could never happen here. -- Editor )