NJ Town Introduces Ordinance To Ban Recording Of Public Officials

<img src="http://libertycrier.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Helmetta-city-Council... align="right">It was an embarrassing moment for the New Jersey borough of Helmetta, a viral video showing one of their cops saying he doesn’t have to follow the Constitution because President Obama doesn’t follow the Constitution.

The video forced Helmetta police officer Richard Racine to resign from his part-time job, where he was double-dipping into taxpayer’s money while collecting a pension after retiring from another New Jersey police department.

Now the Helmetta borough council figures it doesn’t have to follow the Constitution either by introducing an ordinance forbidding photography and video recording inside government buildings.

Read more at http://libertycrier.com/nj-town-introduces-ordinance-ban-recording-publi...