Drug-addicted FBI agent steals drugs, guns, evidence

An internal audit by the FBI, completed last month, found that every one of the nation’s field offices had problems tracking gun and drug evidence and that in some cases, drugs disappeared for months without notice. The Washington field office was among those with the highest error rates; 90 percent of drug evidence examined had been mishandled or had record-keeping problems.

In the Washington field office, a single agent could check drugs out of the lab, even from cases the agent had not worked. All that was needed was a supervisor’s signature. When an agent is taking drugs to a lab, protocol dictates that the trip is made immediately, with no stops. But two senior law enforcement officials interviewed said no one checks to ensure that the packages are dropped off. It can take months or even a year for evidence to be tested, so it’s not unusual for packets of cocaine or heroin to be gone for long periods of time. Also, the Washington field office is one of the few in the country whose agents take drugs to the lab in their cars.

Read more at http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/fbi-files-tell-how-addicted-ag... or https://www.readability.com/articles/bqpqseso