Armed Citizens Network: The Stuart Urie Case

Please download and enjoy parts one and two from The Armed Citizens Network publication, featuring "The Stuart Urie Case: When Neighbors Lie". This story features our own Penny Dean, starting in 2007.

<a href="'%20Network... Citizens' Network urie first.pdf</a>
<a href="'%20Network... Citizens' Network urie second .pdf</a>

OK, we'll whet your appetite! Here is an excerpt:

On Oct. 19, 2007, Network affiliated attorney Penny Dean took a phone call from Dave Wheeler, asking her help for a friend who was facing big problems. Wheeler told her that one of his close friends was being pushed by his attorney to plead guilty to charges stemming from an incident occurring nearly a year earlier. With pretrial hearings only 15 days away and a jury trial to commence on Nov. 13th a mere 11 days thereafter, Dean was alarmed by the shortness of time. She had her assistant start cancelling all her appointments and spent the day and evening interviewing Milford, NH resident Stuart Howard Urie, a all, gangling digital design engineer in his mid-40s. The story Urie told her was incredible but the attorney heard the ring of truth in his words. “What he said made sense to me,” Dean explains, so she agreed to take over Urie’s defense. At times over the following year, that task must have felt impossible time and time again! In addition to her vocation as an attorney, Dean is an avid shooter and a committed gun rights activist. She shares the story of this case with journal readers in an effort to help other gun owners be better prepared for unexpected events that can so easily snowball out of control with very bad results.

<a href="'%20Network... more here</a>