We salute...

Cranky Chicks with Guns, at http://sarahandmom.wordpress.com/

They bill themselves as "A mother-daughter blogging duo. With guns." Go check them out!

If at first you don't succeed,...

We haven't reached an opinion on this ourselves. See what you think about it. From <a href="http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS207239+29-Oct-2009+PRN20...

All the good reasons for gun control?

We often hear people explain why "common sense gun laws" will be so great for society. Unfortunately, they have been misled by people who are either ignorant, or liars.

Temple homeowner chases burglar away with shotgun

<a href="http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091010/NEWS0... Nashua Telegraph reports</a> with the above headline that there was another one of the millions of Defensive Gun Uses (DGUs). Just the presence of the homeowner with a gun scared away the badguy without a shot being fired.

<blockquote>TEMPLE – An apparent teenage burglar dressed in a blue hooded sweatshirt was sent fleeing Thursday by a homeowner with a shotgun, police said.

Guest Editorial: Carrying a pistol at a rally?

There has been a lot of talk lately about the guy who was carrying a pistol in Portsmouth near a presidential appearance. Comments from the press often include terms such as "concealed permit", "automatic weapon", and even "racist" and "second amendment." Code words like that are injected for many reasons, but usually to sell papers, or simply out of ignorance.

Carrying a weapon is serious

We blame Hollywood for instilling the opinion that guns are playthings. How often do you hear the comment "oh, you should be shot!" or "I could have shot him for saying that" or similar. In the fantasy world they live in, shooting someone is how to resolve frustrations.

In reality, the decision to use deadly force is a serious thing.

Kudos to the Manchester Union Leader for the Armed Citizen section

For years various NRA publications have published the Armed Citizen, and now, with NRA permission, some of those stores are being published in the Manchester Union Leader editorial section. Other papers would be wise to follow suit. <a href="http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=True%20stories%20from%2... the article here.</a>

US Fish & Wildlife Service enjoined from removing Grizzly from list in MONTANTA!

The United States Fish and Wildlife service was enjoined from removing the Yellowstone Grizzly bear from the threatened species list....that anti gunners/hunters win here is very sad and important, it sets a dangerous precedent. To read the disappointing opinion, See http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/files/order.pdf

A great resource if you carry a defensive firearm

I've been working on a few stories for our friends at www.armedcitizensnetwork.org, they are a great resource for training information for those of us who choose to carry defensive firearms, and for those who choose to join Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network, LLC, ($85.00) the 3DVDs that new members recieve are worth far more than the annual membership fee.


Registered Gun Owners Receive Visits

<img src="http://www.ammoland.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Maryland-Shall-Issue-... align="right">We read at AmmoLand.com that "Registered" <a href="http://www.ammoland.com/2009/09/25/registered-gun-owners-receive-more-vi... owners have been receiving visits from the state police</a>, under the guise of "checking up" on their firearms.

There are so many things wrong with this, it sets off bells and whistles in my head.

<li>Do the police have nothing better to do with their time and resources?</li>


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