Concealed Carry Permits: what the GAO found

The number of states allowing concealed carry permits is increasing, and states broadly differ in eligibility requirements and the extent to which they have reciprocity agreements. In June 2002, 7 states and the District of Columbia prohibited the concealed carry of handguns. As of March 2012, individuals can carry concealed handguns in all but 1 state (Illinois) and the District of Columbia (see fig. below).

SCOTT: Gun crimes don’t happen because of ‘weak’ laws

Like clockwork, it has happened. Anytime there is a shooting, there is a call for stricter gun control laws. But in the aftermath of the recent shootings in New Jersey and New York, the calls for more stringent laws ring hollow. New York and New Jersey have laws that are among the strictest in the nation. This highlights an important point in the battle against all violence, including gun violence: We should be more concerned about the cultivation of character than the crafting of laws.

Police Fire 41 Shots At Unarmed Man, Confiscate Witness Camera, Delete Evidence

Check before printing this one

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<i>Before we offer this story to you, we'd like to mention that the technology described in this story is true and available today. That is, this story is not some kind of "April Fools" story, nor a hoax. But it gives a great indication of how some people view gun owners, gun manufacturers, gunsmiths, and rights and responsibilities. -- Editor</i>

Welcome to the dark side of 3D printing.

Report: ATF agents seize 30 toy plastic guns

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Among the creative stories told here are that these plastic replica airsoft guns can be "readily converted" into fully-automatic weapons.

But before you condemn the entire ATF as clueless idiots, please read this comment from The Examiner:


How to stop a massacre: Grandpa

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Lawsuit: Architect In Diabetic Shock Beaten By Officers

A disturbing lawsuit has been filed against the Baltimore County Police Department by Linda Johnson over the death of her husband, Architect Carl D. Johnson on May 27, 2010. Johnson was pepper sprayed, tasered, and beaten before his death on the way home from Bible study class.

ATF agents point machine guns at 8-year-old

<img src="" align="right">A Colorado woman has filed a lawsuit after agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the ATF, entered her home without a warrant and threatened her and her 8-year old-son while looking for a previous tenant who had left the address more than a year earlier.

Tasered and SWATted for six cows? Eye in the sky knows all.

<img src=" align="right">First, our government used them on suspected terrorists half-way around the globe. Then, they used them on American citizens half-way around the globe. Now, they're using them on Americans right here on U.S. soil, and a North Dakota judge sees no reason to be alarmed. Just last year, for the first time in America, a predator drone was used to assist police in the arrest of farmer Rodney Brossart and his family in the small town of Lakota, North Dakota.

Innocent Man Spends Four Months In Jail After Rochester, NY Police Officers Lie Under Oath

So says the Information Liberation website, which continues:

Imagine for a moment, driving in your car, down the street, and coming to a stop sign. Then, as you proceed, you are pulled over by police officers.

When you ask them why they stopped you, they reply that you failed to come to a complete stop.

But you did.

You know you did.

And you know they are lying.

That’s exactly what happened to Rochester, NY resident Jeramie Barideaux in July of 2011, on the corner of Conkey Avenue and Avenue D, after he came to a complete stop.


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