Green Bay Gun Rights group works together for civil rights

From an article at the local Green Bay <a class="zem_slink" href="" title="American Broadcasting Company" rel="homepage">ABC</a> affiliate, WBAY, we read that local gun owners attended a meeting of the <a class="zem_slink" href="" title="City council" rel="wikipedia">City Council</a> to help educate them about the legalities of open carry in town, whether or not it is a "park."

There was one dissenter who actually recognized his own lack of understanding, and we hope those legal gun owners helped explain <a class="zem_slink" href=" title="Second Amendment to the United States Constitution" rel="wikipedia">the Second Amendment</a> to him. He really did sound confused:

<blockquote>"If people are going to start having guns in parks to prove that they can carry a gun, I don't understand that," opponent Taku Ronsman said, "because you can go to places where they have target practice, hunting, there are appropriate places for guns."</blockquote>

Read <a href=";FORM=ZZNR6">Green Bay Council Shoots Down Gun Restriction in Parks</a> at <a class="zem_slink" href="" title="WBAY-TV" rel="wikipedia">WBAY-TV</a> Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News

And by the way, you should feel free to comment on web pages like that, even though you are not in their local market, because it lets the management know that people are paying attention. It's a good chance to extend some goodwill from the common-sense gun-owning public.

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