"Fast and Furious" Sentence Sparks Outrage

In early morning news that went unchallenged by the mainstream press, Jaime Avila Jr., 25, a ring leader caught red-handed in the Fast and Furious government gun-smuggling operation, was allowed on Wednesday to take a plea agreement with just over a month of punishment for each of 52 AK-47-type rifles he is known to have smuggled to drug lords. Two of Avila's smuggled guns were found at the scene of the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Government officials who organized and abetted Avila's smuggling operation, and perpetrated the criminal scheme, have not been brought to justice or even charged in the crimes. Some have been promoted and given raises. Others have been transferred. Some have resigned, taken other high-profile positions in government, or moved into lucrative areas of the private sector. Critics have expressed doubts that officials will suffer any consequences from the criminal operations. If Wednesday's sentencing by Obama's Justice Department is any indication, they may be correct.

Read more at http://pagenine.typepad.com/page_nine/2012/12/fast-and-furious-sentence-...